Pedro Miguel sousa

Born on the 16th of July 1999 in Lisbon. He is currently finishing the third year of his degree in sculpture at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Lisbon. His work essentially reflects on the relationships between form and space, and direct carving, in the abstraction of forms, inspired by nature. 








2014 - 2018, visual arts course, Secondary school GagoCoutinho, Lisbon (Alverca), Portugal.2019, Degree in Sculpture Faculdade de Belas Artes, Lisbon,Portugal.




Group Exhibitions:




17ª Edição Prémio de Pintura e Escultura D. Fernando II, MU.SA, Museu das Artes de Sintra, Portugal.


15ª Edição das GAB-A, Faculdade de Belas Artes Lisbon,Portugal.


Eles e Elas, Pátio Nº2 Lisbon, Portugal.


À Superfície, Biblioteca Municipal de Grândola, Portugal.